When Israel Finds a Cure for the Covid-19, How will BDS Respond?

Posted by Olivier Melnick on March 14, 2020

By now, there are very few countries in the world that have not heard about the coronavirus. As of this writing, 149 countries have been affected and infected. The global number of cases exceeds 150,000 and deaths are over 5,600. Italy is on lockdown. France not far behind and America restricted flight from Europe, as well as just declared a national emergency. I have never experienced anything like this in my sixty years on this planet. Countries are reacting differently to the crisis, although more and more are realizing the potential gravity of the unknown and are setting up emergency facilities and personnel. For all of us, this is unchartered territory!

At the same time, several countries in the world are racing against the clock to research, discover, test and manufacture a vaccine for Covid-19. At the forefront of these modern countries is Israel. The tiny Jewish state could be weeks or even just days from having a vaccine to treat Covid-19. A Canadian company also claims to have developed a vaccine. But developing one is not an easy task and once the vaccine is proven to work it must be tested. depending on the source, the length of the testing for this upcoming vaccine could be anywhere from 90 days to 18 months. Even 90 days could be a long time when we are seeing the exponential growth of the infection on a global scale, but doing nothing just because the potential deadline for a commercially viable vaccine could be months away, is irresponsible. So the race is on!

The likelihood of Israel finding the cure is pretty high. The Israel Institute for Biological Research is optimistic. As a matter of fact, Prime minister Netanyahu had given the institute the directives for such research as early as February 1, 2020. In the meantime, Israel has closed its borders and is requiring anybody stepping foot on Israeli soil to go into a 14-day quarantine, no exceptions. Drastic? I don't think so, but time will tell. Additionally, the Israeli government is also recruiting IDF soldiers and teenagers to help sanitize public places. Israel is a small country with too many enemies. To Israel, securing borders is an existential necessity. Succumbing to the Coronavirus or being unprepared, could open the door for Israel's enemies to attack several fronts at a time when hospitals are already beyond full capacity and the country crippled by the virus' effect on the economy. Israel had no choice but to close its borders. Additionally, Israel has also developed a test kit that yields results in 25 minutes and will make it available worldwide within days.

The virus is not antisemitic nor is it anti-Palestinian, it doesn't discriminate and it doesn't stop at borders or checkpoints. That is why Israel is doing all they can to help those affected in Gaza and the West Bank, no questions asked. Why? Because Israel values life, any life...even the life of her enemies. Even though they probably cannot spare any of them right now, Israel donated several hundred Covid-19 test kits to the Palestinian Authority, and there will be more coming. They also delivered 20 tons of disinfectant to the Palestinian Authority to help them sanitize their area. Would the opposite have happened if Israel was in need? Sadly, I doubt it!

And then, there are the usual BDS movement people across the globe, selling the false idea that Israel is an occupying, colonialist and human rights violating country. They convince a plethora of uneducated people to boycott Israel. Evidently, they boycott whatever is not going to be too inconvenient. So here is the million-dollar question: "Are BDS people going to refuse the vaccine if it comes from Israel?" They should if they were consistent and ethical, but we all know that they won't.

If BDS accepts the vaccine, they lose their right to oppose Israel on anything else, as long as it is based on a false premise. They should be grateful that the very country they are trying to see off the map of the Middle East is actually ethical and compassionate enough to see beyond all this and concentrate on the sanctity of life. God wouldn't have it any other way!

As we fight the Coronavirus together, there is no time for disagreement between Democrats and Republicans or Israelis and Arabs. The virus is after all of us without discrimination and if we wish to eradicate Covid-19, we have no choice but to fight it together as humans. Incidentally, now is a very good time to believe in God and to trust Him, since nothing, not even the damaging Coronavirus, comes as a surprise to Him!

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